Thursday, May 12, 2011

Whew, Wednesday & Random Things

purchases from the "bulk" market:
hazelnuts, split peas, flax seed, sesame seeds
& wheat glutton(the wheat flour is already in the freezer
jicama snack
Last night my husband came home with the goodies I'd order from the bulk market in Guadalajara.  It's an interesting process there.  You pick a number, wait to be called, give your order, watch them bag your items, take your ticket & stand in line at the pay booth, then return with your paid receipt to gather your ordered items.  He also brought me 13 kilos of whole wheat flour in 1 kilo bags now stored in the freezer.  The amount of money we spend on food buying this way is a fraction of the cost we used to pay & we eat whole foods.

My youngest son found the jicama in the refrigerator last night and asked if he could eat it?  Of course I said yes and asked for a slice.   Jicama is a root vegetable that is eaten with squeezed lime juice, salt & spicy red pepper seasoning.  A favorite Mexican snack.

My morning started at 8:20 a.m. and you may think I slept in but that is not the case.  Between the hours of 1 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. all the outdoor security dogs in our neighborhood were barking.  One of our neighbors must have sheep or goats.  It sounded like a young kid crying while an older goat chimed in and I could not sleep through that.

We rushed around to get breakfast, almond pancakes topped with raw honey & a whole egg,  and headed out the door to the tianguis(outdoor market) for produce shopping.  This morning, as I shopped, my husband visited with another male friend.  They decided that the men were the mules for the wives.  This is so true!  We need to find a cart that can go over cobble stone roads because as it is, my husband hauls probably 50+ pounds of fresh produce plus our daughter from the produce "local" to the car.

typical weekly produce shopping in the tianguis
At least once a month we are asked if we own a restaurant because we buy so much fresh produce.  It's amazing how much money we save buying fresh and preparing our meals at home.  I realize this is not of interest to everyone as they do not want to take the time but it is thrilling to me to provide this service for my family.  I feel responsible for their health and knowing I can give them the best is very satisfying.

It bothers me that produce prices are so high in the states and from what I've heard from others, the selection isn't always available either.  Economical living & great variety is a huge benefit to living in Mexico.  On the other hand, is it possible for others that what proved to be true for us could be true for them?  That without buying processed food, we actually save money, are eating rich and living healthier?  For 20 years I did not provide a healthy diet for my family and I pray that with healthy eating now, we can possibly erase damage that may have been done.  That is my hope and prayer.   I can't control what my family may consume when they are not with me or away from the house and I hope they're are making good decisions but in our house, the best most healthiest meals are provided.  That brings me a lot of contentment.

After produce shopping, my husband, daughter & I headed out for a "hike" in our neighborhood with one of our dogs.  I knew this day was going to be full.  It was warmer than my husband thought it would be but I'm still glad we went.  A quick shower, a panini sandwich and off I was to our local Yada Yada ladies group.  This time it was more exciting for me than before as I arrived late.  Yes, late was great because I knew I could stay as long as I wanted to.   Kind of a deal I made with my husband for the late departure.

We have a great group of ladies who are interested in the things of God and I love their hearts.  It's been a slow process for me getting to know them.  In the past, as we pastored churches in the states, I did everything I could to quickly get to know the people.  An old saying is that an evangelist blows in, blows up and blows out.  I hope we never did that but the process was a quick one.  It was hard training for what laid ahead.  There was so much to learn and such little time.  I love the relationships that have lasted over the years and treasure each heart that connected to ours.  But let me say it again, it was fast!  Coming to Chapala was never in our plans, in fact, we didn't know it existed before moving to Mexico.  Now I'm glad that God opened this door and I hope and pray with all of my heart that this may be home till death do us part or Jesus comes back, which ever comes first.  I truly have prayed this many times.  22 moves in 22 years, I think it's time to have a nest until my heavenly home is given to me.  I've grown weary of moving.  The thrill of it has gone.  My adventure has changed and the desire to stay put has become my dream.

A trip to Walmart for fresh milk, oranges, and a little meat before I came home to my precious family.  My daughter slept through most of the afternoon while I was gone.  Our dogs were starving and ready for their fresh fish dinner.  Feeding a raw diet is just the greatest thing!  I have to laugh at myself because I actually look forward to picking up the presents to see how little there is out there, lol  Yes, I know that is tmi, but it's just me.
chicken paprikash
My oldest son was home and helped me with dinner.  While he peeled and diced potatoes I caramelized the onions and chicken breasts, added the fresh diced tomatoes, red pepper, salt, black pepper and of course lots and lots of paprika!  This is my very favorite childhood Hungarian dish.  I remember my grandma telling me she was cooking a good dinner tonight!  Our family often served it over mashed potatoes and that we did tonight.  Delish!

Tomorrow my agenda will hopefully allow me to finish a little laundry but most of all, I want to re plant my garden and put the flowers in the hanging baskets that I bought this afternoon.  Gary said he's been hungry for French dip sandwiches so I bought a top sirloin roast this afternoon.  Now my expat lady friends, being that cuts of meat are not the same in Mexico as they are in the states I'm thinking the crock pot or the pressure cooker may make that baby tender enough.

This is the day that the Lord has made!  I will rejoice and be glad in it!!!  It's been another full well.

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