Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Pack

Some people like dogs...I do, but I NEVER EVER dreamed we'd own FOUR at the same time!   We ended up with four dogs!!!  The first one in our pack was the mini/standard schnauzer, she's 2 years old.  After we had a break in, I needed a large outdoor dog to protect us!  A friend gave us the big boxer and I was happy.  Happy until the schnauzer always wanted to be outside and brought things into the house at night, so she sleeps outside.   A couple of months ago, I'd decided that if anything ever happened to one of the dogs, I'd like to have a toy poodle.  A few days went by and a toy poodle pup was brought home.  Things were fine.   Two outdoor security dogs, one lap dog to tote around.   A few weeks went by and we thought the older boxer was going to have to be put to sleep!!!! Long story short, Gary had compassion on me and bought me a 6 week old male boxer pup!  His idea was that it would be easier on me to bring the pup home before putting the adult boxer down.  As we were calling to make arrangements, we found out that he could live!  Oh boy!  4 dogs!  2 males!!! Not my plan!!!!  I was thinking one had to go!!! 

But the schnauzer is the alarmist, she has to stay.  
The boxers are big and scary to keep bad guys away.  
The toy poodle is tiny, furry and cute so that means 
that there is no one left to boot!

What did I do??? I changed their diet!  Yup, these carnivores are eating raw meat and boy does it make things neat!  :D

I'm not that great of a pet photographer but these dogs are cute & entertaining!  So here's a few pictures of my 4 dog pack!


Bruno was not going for all of this wrestling mess, he got up & walked away :)

Puppies & Jazz lol

I have failed as a pet photographer!

I'm not sure how old she is.  Either 15 or 19 weeks

looking better after her fur has grown out

my lap dog/toy poodle

handsome boxer pup 10 weeks

they all get along

too bad I can't get them arranged nicely long enough for a pic

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lori's Mayo Free Creamy Potato Salad

Lori's Mayo Free Creamy Potato Salad
Yum! A side dish that Gary loves is creamy potato salad.  This is smuliscious!

6 med potatoes (2 pounds) boiled & diced
1 cup thinly or shredded celery
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1 tsp dried dill
1 cup natural unsweetened yogurt
2 tsp raw honey
2 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp ground mustard
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
2 hard cooked eggs chopped
Gary's dish that he wanted a picture of ;o)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Whole Wheat Honey Berry Shortcake & Our Precious Birthday Girl!

Today is someone's birthday.  Our little someone turned two and we are so blessed that she is ours!  To celebrate her special day I wanted to bake my sweetie angel girl something that would be good for her.  It was also important to serve her favorite foods which include berries, pineapple, cantaloupe & filet mignon.  I'd been craving raspberry filling and strawberry shortcake.  Heavenly Homemakers had the perfect Healthy Shortcake recipe made with honey & whole wheat flour.  I couldn't be more pleased with the delicious results.  In fact, I must buy a cake plate to serve it on as this will be a new favorite dessert in our house.

Kalee's big day started yesterday for us.  Her big brother assembled her new kitchen & hid it in his room.  Daddy came in to see if there was anything he could do to help.
Josh assembling Kalee's kitchen 

Last night I carefully made the healthy pound cake.  I quadrupled the recipe and had a little extra that I baked in a little round pan.   We all waited hoping that it'd stick so we could try it and it did! :D                                                                                         
I asked for raspberries & was excited to have gotten 3 types of berries to decorate with

mixing whole wheat flour & baking powder

8 eggs...can you tell which one our hen laid? 

2 cups of raw honey

mixing well

buttered pan
Mommy adores her little girl

birthday pictures before church

Mommy & the birthday girl!

birthday glasses & braclet

Helping Daddy give the announcements in church...of course announcing her birthday :)

I enjoyed singing with my kids again ;)

Big brothers & their girlfriends help to celebrate the big occasion!

there was a little bit of kissing :)

and some more kissing

Kalee's kitchen is a big hit!

a rose for our rose & she appreciated it

Lori's 3 Berry Shortcake w/honey whipped cream &
honey raspberry filling

Honey Wheat Shortbread, honey raspberry filling
w/honey whipped cream! yum!

Daddy helping our little girl to blow out her candles

the birthday girl enjoying her balloons
Our daughter's big day has arrived and we are so excited to bless her today!  

Friday, May 20, 2011

Chasing the Chicken Thief & Spaghetti

Last night I'm sitting on the terraza making sure all goes well as I feed the dogs.  I've had a few obstacles feeding 4 dogs a raw diet: 

1. Keeping the dogs separated.  Bruno, the oldest boxer, will eat all the food so the others can't have any.
2. Making sure they eat in the yard.  Otherwise they'll bring the raw food up onto the terraza and it'll leave greasy stains.(I think I've outsmarted them...if I hose down the terraza first, they'll eat in the grass.  They don't like eating on a wet surface.) 
3. Keeping the oldest hen from eating the food.  She is such a cannibal!  Most of the time I'm serving the dogs raw chicken.  

So I'm recording this last night and it was very entertaining to me.  I'm sorry I make so much noise with my hands touching the microphone.  I need to work on not touching it.


boxer(9weeks) & toy poodle(18 weeks) pups...I think they love each other

beautiful evening in Chapala

whole wheat pasta

Lori's Marinara Sauce(click for recipe)

Spaghetti, that's what were eating this Friday ;)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday...I blogged for a week! Satisfied!

This last week flew by!  I can hardly believe I blogged for a week and yes, I'm satisfied, content, lacking in nothing!  How very grateful I am to God for bringing wholeness and completeness to my life.

This past week someone told me that God never intended for us to compare ourselves to another.  They also said that it's Satan that brings condemnation when we do.  Isn't that the truth?  So when I get those mixed up feelings that I'm not doing my part, not measuring up, not doing enough, it just isn't so.  I've learned to say no to opportunities that may seem like good ones but if I don't feel God asking me to do it, I don't move.  It took one season of answering every call, every crusade, every concert, every recording, every conference for me to get completely burned out and face adrenal exhaustion.  I'm more than grateful for every opportunity because through it, somehow it completed a longing within me.  Fortunately, Gary and I were able to evaluate our situation and let some things that although they were good, go.  It took me a long time to get over some of it.  It was a ride, it was exciting, it was amazing and it was exhausting.  God will not give us more than we can bear, or will He?  Not alone.  That I know to be true, but if your body and mind is telling you to rest, is speaking to you by becoming ill, than one must step back and evaluate their life.

Today I was able to ride my mountain bike for 40 minutes in our neighborhood over cobblestone roads, sat in a car for at least 2 hours round trip, knocking me this way and that because the Mexican highways are horrible.  Those two activities are hard on me with 3 herniated discs.  But someone sent prayers up to heaven on behalf of me today and I'm believing for my miracle!!

We did a little birthday shopping for our daughter's 2nd birthday coming up.  When we arrived home, it was so warm and I was so sleepy that I crawled into bed and took a nap.  We don't have central air or heat.  I'm going to grill some balsamic chicken and make paninis for dinner then hope to relax a little with my family before bed.  

The next few weeks will be interesting.  A couple birthdays, District Council, a 5th Sunday with very exciting guests coming and maybe eventually, I'll get to see the beach and swim.  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Heat + Sun = Water

Spanish worship with Sarahi
This morning's worship was so much fun!  I've really enjoyed getting to know our people and worshipping with my homegrown worship team is the best!  I was able to stay for worship in the Spanish service and was so surprised to see the new families that have joined!   It's finally growing again!  Sarahi, my oldest son's girlfriend joined us and that girl sings like an angel.  I hope Josh will be able to bring her often!  Gary took a picture using his cell phone and it's not clear but here it is.   His message, "Made in God's Image," was great!

5:45 p.m. Sunday afternoon.  It's about 82 degrees in the house, thank God we have fans but I sure would love to be in the pool right about now.   I've been evaluating myself this time of year and figured something out.  With this type of heat, my California nature tells me that I need to be at the lake, in the pool or somewhere where there's central air.  We don't have a pool yet but I'm hoping for one soon.  A girl can dream.

Holiday Harbor where my grandpa moored his houseboat.
Many wonderful summer days where spent here during my childhood.
I grew up with an inground pool in our yard & was a fish!  Could hardly wait for the winter algae to be removed so I could get in!  I also was privileged to grow up on Shasta Lake, California.  My grandpa had a houseboat and we spent a lot of our summer time on the lake as my grandpa loved to fish.  I was a swimmer and a shore explorer.  My family would drive that boat to the prettiest spot they could find.  Not having an appreciation of God's creation is unfathomable to me.  When I see creation, I think of Him and feel close to my Lord.  The McCloud arm is what is coming to mind.  The mountains majestic!  Covered with enormous tall green pines.  Hours passing time looking out for eagles nests, bears, turtles and fish!  In fact, no matter where my family traveled, we were always on the lookout for beautiful scenery & animals.

our youngest son caught this bass
3 times! 

Trinity Alps
Since I've gotten myself on this topic, of the beautiful place I spent growing up, I'd also like to remember camping at Squirrel Flat, Trinity Lake.  It is a special place that's very remote.  There are 2 miles of shoreline and forest roads for riding quads or mountain bikes.  Initially we went up there to ride quads.  But when we decided to get into shape, we sold the quads and road our mountain bikes.  Matt, our youngest, loved fishing.  He's always been the outdoors man.  Greatest fishing story you'll ever hear was the time Matt caught a bass 3 times!!!  He caught it and it got away twice.  The 3rd time he hooked it and the boys radio'd up to let us know.  We didn't believe it but when Gary cleaned the fish he found 3 new gold shiny hooks inside.  
mountains of Chapala during the rainy season
how I long for the rain now!


Hawaii or Chapala? (Chapala from my house!)

It's actually overwhelming to me even today, that my family and I are privileged to live in the hills of Chapala.  I love my home country but it would not have been possible, to my knowledge, to have the casita with a view such as we have here.  We can see Lake Chapala if we stretch but my breath is taken away every morning as I look over & up the mountains of Chapala.  It's heaven on earth.  During the rainy season, I could be waking to the beauty of the Hawaiian Islands, but no, I'm living in Chapala, Mexico.

Here, just this week I was saying to some lady friends that there's a time and place for looking back.  There are times that we don't need to look back.  Keep your hand on the plow and look forward.  Some reflecting needs to be saved for the time when you're old, lost your teeth, smack your gums, sit on the terraza and remember when with your spouse.  I can imagine Gary and I sitting on our terraza.  He'll have his version and I'll have mine.   He says his will be correct, but I know mine will really be.

Some things, it's just better to forget and think on good things, things that are above, not on this earth.  But these are good things I'm thinking on today.  Times of vacation as a child, when my sons were children and now where God has brought us today.  He knows how I tick.  He knows how much I appreciate His creation and need to see it and how close I feel to Him when I do.  I thank you God, for bringing me to Chapala.  I feel your love here with me.  You rescued me when I couldn't rescue myself.  You could see me and just as others have expressed to me about themselves, you plucked me out of a place and set me in another.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Marinara Sauce from Lori's Kitchen

Lori's Marinara Sauce

Someone asked me for my marinara sauce...this is great for spaghetti, lasagna or pizza.  It will cover 2 cookie sheets for pizza to give you an idea of how far it'll go. (I'm guessing the best that I can on measurements)

1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
1 medium size onion
3 large cloves of garlic
8 small chicken breasts
8-10 cups fresh ripe red tomatoes pureed (about 16 roman)
1 sprig fresh rosemary or 1 tablespoon chopped or 1 tsp dry
1 TBS fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried oregano
2 TBS fresh chopped basil or 2 teaspoons dry (i love basil)
1/4 tsp crushed dried red pepper (add more if you like it spicier)
1/4 tsp black pepper
3/4 tsp sea salt (sea salt has very low sodium & is more flavorful than table salt)
1 cup red cooking or dry table wine, optional (you can add another cup of fresh tomato puree)

1) finely chop or puree onion & garlic

2) sauté & caramelize in large frying pan in olive oil on med heat.

3) chop raw chicken into bite size, add to onion mixture and also caramelize on med heat.

4) add pureed tomatoes(feel free to puree fresh spices with the tomatoes) and add the remaining ingredients to pan.  Bring to a boil and simmer for up to 40 min. until mixture is a deep red color.

Lori's Homemade Pizza


I use a double recipe of whole wheat pita dough(substituting whole wheat flour for white)

top w/1-4 cheeses:

fresh mozzarella, parmesan, feta, & fresh goat cheese

also chopped red bell pepper & sliced green olives

(generously grease pans w/extra virgin olive oil, spread rolled pita dough, add 1/2 the sauce and toppings.  Bake at 246 degrees celsius in pre heated oven, bottom rack for 15 min.)

Ugly Alligator or Lizard/Toad & cooking frenzy in the kitchen!

ugly plastic alligator 
Ugly on his hairbrush, hehe
ugly toy by kitchen sink! ugh!
Thursday a.m. I opened the refrigerator to find an ugly plastic dragon on our meat.  My oldest son had gone through his toys, that I made him save for his kids, and found it.  It's ugly.  So I put it in between his sheets by his feet that night.   He awoke around 1 a.m. to fear a huge scorpion was in his bed! hehe He put the thing near my pillow under the covers.   When Gary made the bed down that night he found it and put it on my night stand.  I found it and put it on Josh's hairbrush in the bathroom drawer.  Matt thought Josh put it on his hairbrush, since I put it in the wrong drawer and put it in Josh's bathroom drawer on his toothbrush.  This morning when Gary got his coffee cup out, it was in there!  I got up to find it by the kitchen sink & left it on Josh's keyboard.  Since that didn't seem to make a big enough impression, I put it deep inside something else rather useful but I'm not saying where! ;o)  (there's a surprise if you click the paragraph above) 

Being that it's Saturday, I thought it'd be a great idea to make enough food for tomorrow so I don't have to cook.  This girl has to have a day of rest.  Gary had mentioned Pasta E Fagioli earlier this week and thinking ahead I made a huge batch!  It can serve 12 people so surely it'll tie us over till Monday!  :))  Here's a few pictures of how I made myself productive today ;o)

pasta e fagioli

my whole wheat pasta

rolling a pasta sheet

cutting the pasta

rolling out whole wheat pita bread

cooling warm pitas to store in the freezer 

pitas & basil pesto mmm!

natural yogurt, raw honey & fresh frozen raspberries

sweet raspberry yogurt & honey smoothy ;)