I've already shared this info with many of you. Love learning how to use God's natural medicines.
Home Remedies:
3 cloves crushed *garlic(a natural antibiotic) prepare a nice hot cup of tea and or 1 glass of water with lemon juice. 1 drop of olive oil on a spoon, place crushed garlic on the spoon. Swallow, DO NOT CHEW or SWISH, swallow the garlic like a pill. Drink one or both the water & hot tea. Garlic has different levels of spiciness, some can make you nauseous. Hot tea will take the nausea away so drink more if this happens. In the case of nausea, next time it'd be better to only crush one clove of garlic. The smaller cloves are typically spicier. We take it at night when going to bed, brush teeth like crazy. Seriously, in the morning our breath doesn't stink. After morning coffee, even less. Garlic boosts the immune system and fights off all kinds of infections.
Grapefruit Seed Extract(GSE): we use Nutri Biotic and buy it at the health food store. This stuff is great too...even for tummy bugs/food poisoning etc. I've read that it works even better w/close contact to infected area. The stuff is nasty, bitter tasting. 15-25 drops in a 8 oz glass of water, four times a day if you have to. It's so nasty that we buy empty gel caps to put the drops in. We have potentially a lot of food poisoning & tummy bugs in our area and this gets rid of those fast! It's excellent for sinus and sore throat problems too. But in that case it would be better to man up, hold your breath and guzzle fast! Have a tablespoon of local honey and another glass of juice to help get rid of that horrid bitter taste. (btw, although not natural, a dose a day of pepto bismol while traveling will prevent tummy problems)
Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother-Braggs is the best but I've heard Trader Joe's is now carrying a brand. 2 TBS of Apple Cider Vinegar w/1 TBS raw/local honey in 8 oz of purified room temp water. You have to drink it in a min. Man up!!! :D That's also great for colds, kidneys, gallbladder, nausea & tummy bugs, geez the whole body. It cleanses. Apple Cider Vinegar has a reputation for being the wonder drug. Although it cures nausea, it can also give nausea if you're not able to take the 2 TBS. if nausea happens, you'll still reap all the benefits but next time, try 1 tsp.
Get plenty of natural unsweetened yogurt(probiotics). Antibiotics, that you get from the doctor, kill not only your bad bacteria but the good ones. That's why it's important to get your good bacteria going with yogurt.
Even when you're sick, you can eat honey. God made honey! Honey is amazing God food! Honey is great for coughs & sore throats and it helps your body heal! Great stuff, we buy local raw honey by the 5 gallon buckets. So far have gotten 4 buckets this year!!! :D We like it! Local honey is like an allergy vaccine. 1-2 TBS of local honey a day, say bye, bye allergies! Our guys put it in their tea, fresh bread, cereal, and our daily smoothy treat.(smoothy is natural yogurt, honey & fresh berries) Totally beware that a lot of honey is sold mixed with corn syrup!!!! Even the stands on the other side of the hill here locally, add corn syrup! It crystalizes. We've been getting our honey directly from a bee keeper. The real liquid gold...although family will argue that Dad's apricot jam is :D well, that stuff is too! lol
"in addition to its reputation as Nature's nutritive sweetener, research also indicates that honey's unique composition makes it useful as an antimicrobial agent and antioxidant.
Raw Honey - An Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, Anti-Fungal Substance"
check out WHFoods for more great info on raw honey: raw honey benefits
I've become a bit of a health nut but we don't seem to get sick around here. And if we feel it coming on, we'll be taking one or all three above. *If you take the garlic at onset of a cold, you will most likely not get one. It'll cut a 10 day cold into 3-5 days. Cool stuff! :))
I'm always repeating myself :D It's very cheap and natural health care. The garlic and GSE may interfere with heart meds.
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